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Research on adolescence and democracy in the UK

We are a research team from Royal Holloway, University of London working in a European project that investigates how adolescents take decisions about social and political issues. Our project is funded by the European Union and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

Big Ben

On the following pages, you can find information for young people, parents, and schools in the UK!

If you are a young person and would like to get involved and know more about our research, click here or head to the section “Young People”.


If you are parent to an adolescent aged 11-21 and would like to find out more about our research and how you and your child can get involved, click here or head to the section “Parents


If you are a teacher or part of school staff and would like more information, click here or head to the section “Schools”.

If you would like to receive information about our research conducted in the UK, please enter your e-mail address in the box below!

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