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Training Programme

IP-PAD will equip Doctoral Candidates with key scientific, research and transferable skills through a comprehensive training programme

The Doctoral Candidates (DCs) will take part in a comprehensive training programme resting on two pillars:

(i) Local training and skills courses offered by the Host Institutions: DCs will benefit from the standard doctoral training provided by the local hosts/universities, which will mainly focus on social science education with advanced courses and schools. As all Institutions will be offering dual supervision across two disciplines, our DCs will have the opportunity to attend courses from different disciplines.


(ii) Network-wide training developed for and provided by the IP-PAD: IP-PAD will deliver (i) a series of interdisciplinary workshops, (ii) training programmes on research skills and transferable skills and (iii) secondments. IP-PAD will exploit existing training events in which members already play a key role as well as new events described below. This network-wide training programme will enhance and integrate the training offered at the Host Institutions and that provided through the secondment to our non-academic partners.


The comprehensive training programme of IP-PAD has four parts: 

  • A series of interdisciplinary workshops on key concepts and methods in psychology, neuroscience and political science; 

  • A series of training sessions aimed at building research and transferable skills; 


The interdisciplinary workshops and training sessions developed for and provided by IP-PAD will take place at each participating institution. They will cover topics such as:  

  • recent advances in key research in psychology, neuroscience and political science; 

  • research skills relating to ethics, open science, applying for grants and writing for academic publications; 

  • research methods; 

  • and transferrable skills such as project management, writing for media, and data visualization. 

DCs will play a central role in shaping the IP-PAD training programme so that it responds to their needs and wishes. We believe that DCs should be supported in developing their unique skills and expertise that match their career aspirations. Therefore, rather than being prescriptive about the specific hosts where they should perform their internships, DCs will be supported during the development of their individual Career Development Plan, DCs to select the partner(s) at which they will perform the internship. This approach empowers our DCs in their longer-term career aspirations.

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